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Fairhaven Recreation officially opens new playground

Surrounded by children, town officials, and project employees, Fairhaven Recreation Director, Kelley Ramirez, speaks during a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the new playground at the Recreation Center on 11/26/24. Photo by Beth David.

The Fairhaven Recreation Depart­ment held a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open its new playground behind the Rec Center on 11/26/24.

Recreation Director Kelley Ramirez said the new playground has all new equipment, and was moved to a spot that is not as wet, is more accessible for children with varying abilities, and is on a surface better than grass.

“It’s out of the puddle,” said Ms. Ramirez, and adding that it was already being used by children in Rec Center programs.

The old playground was definitely outdated, but the biggest problem is that it was under water so often, she said.

“The kids have always loved it,” she said. “It was just time.”

The project cost about $200,000, and used Bristol County ARPA funds (American Rescue Plan Act).

She said the old structure will be donated, once they figure out the proper procedure.

“I’m excited to be here with everyone,” said Ms. Ramirez just before cutting the ribbon.

She thanked everyone who helped get the project done, including the contractor, Premier Park & Play, the Department of Public Works, and Council on Aging Director Martha Reed. The COA shares the grounds behind the build­ing with the Rec.

She said it was team effort.

The handful of children there agreed it was a great play­ground, calling it “really fun,” and the “best play­ground.”

“This is a perfect example of something that will improve our recreation opportunities for kids,” said Select Board chairperson Stasia Powers, adding that it helps them get outside, and it is right near the bike path.

The Recreation Center is located at 227 Huttleston Avenue (behind Stop & Shop). The back field abuts the Phoenix Bike Trail.

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